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Hi, my name is Jon đź‘‹

I've been coding for the last 10 year for several companies but lately I decide to join the "indie maker" movement and try to make apps that solves my everyday problems, and hopefully help others!

Why did I make "WAY ?"

Well it's an issue that I had in my latest freelance contract.
Every week I had to juggle between two offices (For sake of clarity, let’s call them Office A and B), and remote work and my schedule was just crazy:

  • - On Mondays - every other weeks: Office A
  • - The other Mondays: Office B
  • - On Tuesdays: remote work
  • - On Wednesdays: Office A
  • - On Thursdays - every other weeks (but not the same week as on Monday): Office A
  • - The other Thursdays: Office A
  • - Then on Fridays: remote work

Obviously lots of people working with me (including me) were lost about where I would be any day of the week..
One day I stumbled on a simple page made by Felix Krause and it just clicked : this was exactly the kind of page that would help my coworkers (and me)..
That’s when I decided to create a similar page - - that quickly became the page people would check before calling me, sending me a message, or organizing a meeting..
Quickly people started asking me if they could have their own page, making me realize that others had the same issue.

So now it's your turn ! I hope it will help you as much as it did for me.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch and help me make it better adapted to your own situation.